A swallow icon Frederick Yocum in custom font. Icon for the information section of the website Icon for the writing section of the website Icon for the art section of the website Icon for the design section of the website Icon for the contact information section of the website A dandilion being blown by the wind. Icon for an rss feed on the website The twitter icon Icon for the top of the page link Facebook The Facebook icon The Linkedin Icon The Instagram Icon Icon Exhibiton Icon Reading Icon Cinema Icon Victrola


Photographs excel at recording a specific moment at a specific time. We can by, manipulating the medium, make it something else, but it seems to become just that, something else. There is pleasure in embracing the limitation and keeping the lens trained on everyday life in the hope that the architecture of a moment will click into place in the frame and the serendipitous reveals something more timeless, like poetry or music.

Group sitting around a wooden table in a pub.

Lyme Regis

A sign on a scaffolding in a field.

No exit

Beach scene

Ocean City

Two men sitting at a table, one dealing cards.

Poker Game

A group running up a beach chased by a wave.
