A swallow icon Frederick Yocum in custom font. Icon for the information section of the website Icon for the writing section of the website Icon for the art section of the website Icon for the design section of the website Icon for the contact information section of the website A dandilion being blown by the wind. Icon for an rss feed on the website The twitter icon Icon for the top of the page link Facebook The Facebook icon The Linkedin Icon The Instagram Icon Icon Exhibiton Icon Reading Icon Cinema Icon Victrola


A pair of feet and a zimmerframe.

Notes to my future self

Well, you made it. You didn’t die of colon cancer in your fifties.

A cover of AAA magazine.

Oh, Carp!

When the our innate ability to fill in the gaps causes us to become unstuck.

The private parts of Michelanglo’s David.

Private Parts

Physical and emotional intimacy oscillate through our lives. Often at the beginning and the end they come together.

A a small figure of a man standing on a dot.

A small hill on which to die

It is good to have standards, however small.

A young boy in a suit.

Sunday Blessed

What does it mean to be well-dressed in God's economy?

A face superimposed on a galaxy of stars.

The Tears of Katholanlowan

A short work of fiction exploring discovery and allegiance.

A girl catching crawlfish in a net.

Visual Orchestration

Editorial design — the composing of headlines, images, pullquotes, captions and, often, significant amounts of text in a graphically rich arrangement — is one of the joys of design, at least for me.

Watercolour of a fig.

Whoohoo Design

Why do ordinary people spend too much of their time doing something they are not trained to? I blame the designers.